Statement of Ethical Conduct and Administrative Code of Conduct

The Statement of Ethical Conduct and the Administrative Code of Conduct embody the University's values. The principles expressed in these core documents govern interactions at the University and promote an environment of respect that is central to its success and that of the individuals who work here. The booklet also includes expanded and updated resources sections titled "Where do I go with a concern?" and "To learn more."

Read the full Statement of Ethical Conduct and Administrative Code of Conduct.

Statement of Ethical Conduct

Columbia University expects all officers of instruction, administration, and research, support staff and students to maintain the highest standards of ethical conduct.


  •   Be honest, ethical, and truthful.
  •   Obey the law.
  •   Follow University policies and procedures.

Read the Statement of Ethical Conduct

Administrative Code of Conduct

The Code articulates the principles that govern interactions at the University and some of the basic expectations that flow from those principles.

Read the Administrative Code of Conduct

  •   Respect for Governance
  •   Respect for Others
  •   Respect for Information
  •   Respect for Property

Non-Retaliation Policy

The University prohibits retaliation against those who report compliance or ethics concerns in good faith.

Read the full Non-Retaliation Policy.